2024 RESC Alliance Legislative Priorities
Virtual Legislative Forum
Magnet School & Equitable Funding:
The 29 magnet schools managed by Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) serve nearly 13,000 students statewide.
FY2025 Budget Request:
Assure the $40.2 million funding in PA 23-204 to support RESC magnet schools is retained. If this funding is reduced in any amount then sending districts will receive an increase in tuition bills.
NCEP has increased by 42% since 2010, while the Sheff Magnet Per Pupil Grant increased by 2% in the same time period;
The Sheff Magnet Grants covers only 56% of the average cost to educate a child in CT compared to 77% in 2010;
Sheff Magnet do not receive funding through the state Education Cost Sharing (ECS) grant; and
Unlike local school districts, RESCs do not have a tax base to cover additional costs for magnet schools.
Designate $1.5 million to support workforce development and the enhancement of a statewide system addressing IED by creating a new budget line item under the State Department of Education to support districts partnering with Residency Program certifying teachers of color.
Eliminate the well-intended funding mechanism enacted for IED Residency Programs within the 2022-23 biennial budget by eliminating the funding burden from Alliance districts.
Educator Diversity & Teacher Residency Program
In 2022-23, 11.2% of Connecticut’s teacher workforce were of educators of color, while 52.5% of the CT’s students identified as people of color, according to SDE.
The CT Teacher Residency Program:
ONLY CT program requiring districts to provide a living wage to residents
Nearly 150 teachers of color added in 34 districts since 2020
100% retention rate with 100% residents teaching in classrooms
Launched Special Education certification in June 2023 with nine (9) residents
Establish $1.2 million line item under SDE to continue the development of trauma informed services to school districts to continue the implementation of UPLIFT, a train-the-trainer program that is trauma-informed, resilience-focused, and individualized to meet the unique systemic needs of a school or district.
ARPA funds identified in FY23 for RESCs to develop and implement a statewide training program to support public school educators address trauma were not extended in FY24.
Due to delayed FY23 fund disbursement, 20 districts receive free trauma-informed training from the RESC Alliance, despite funds being disbursed to the RESCs in FY24.
Trained 2,500+ school staff/service providers and 100+ youth in foundational knowledge of trauma and trauma informed care.
2024 Q1/Q2 Report for Trauma Coordinators
Trauma-Informed Training for Schools