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Early Childhood RESC Alliance Launches “Drop-in” Conversation Opportunities for Educators

As a statewide partner, the Early Childhood RESC Alliance would like to extend and continue the opportunity for early childhood educators to join drop-in conversations via virtual Zoom meetings that provide places to connect with colleagues and trusted RESC staff.

This is open to ALL early childhood professionals in our communities. Feel free to contact the RESC directly if you have content and/or program specific questions related to professional learning needs, NAEYC accreditation, School Readiness, early childhood special education, and program consultation.

Meeting dates and times vary in order to accommodate schedules. Participants should feel free to join any conversation that fits with their schedule, regardless of the day/time, RESC region. Participants are not required to attend every session. RESC Alliance early childhood experts look forward to chatting with educators from throughout the state.


Michelle Anderson, Director

Kristen Kennen, EC Specialist

Donna Delohery, EC Specialist


10-11 a.m.


Carole Glenn, Director

Meg Formica, EC Specialist

Linda Allen, EC Specialist


1-2 p.m.


Mary Stone, EC Specialist


9-10 a.m.

Join Zoom Meeting


Diane Gozemba, Director

Melanie-Smith-Cervera, EC Specialist

Sheri Lambert, EC Specialist

Anne Marie Davidson, EC Specialist


1-2 p.m.


Suzanne Clement, Early Childhood Coordinator

Christina Lye, EC Specialist

Liz Parmelee, EC Specialist


10-11 a.m.


Julie Giaccone, ECE Coordinator

Sandy Fowler, EC Specialist

Jean Barresi, EC Specialist


11 a.m. to noon


Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) are nonprofit, fee-for-service, public education agencies.Their mission is to provide quality, cost-effective education resources, programs, and services to the state’s public schools. The RESC Alliance exists to create greater access to resources and savings for all Connecticut public schools. 

© 2024 RESC Alliance

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