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Gov. Lamont visits RESC facility, touts manufacturing opportunities in state

Gov. Ned Lamont toured WorkspaceCT in Bethel, Conn., on Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2021, as part of Manufacturing Month in Connecticut. The state designated the month 11 years ago as a way to give young people an introduction to manufacturing, educate them about the field’s rewarding career paths, and help the state’s manufacturers recruit skilled workers.

WorkspaceCT is a joint project of two RESCs — Cooperative Educational Services and EdAdvance — and leaders from each agency joined school and town leaders from the area, plus manufacturing industry representatives, at the event.

Gov. Lamont spoke about the state's upward trend of manufacturing while standing in front of the building, which is in an industrial area along with several manufacturing companies.

“We are coming back. And we are coming back on the strength of our workforce,” Lamont said. “We’ve got to have the best-trained, most productive workforce in the world. That’s how you compete. And that’s what we are doing right here and that’s how all these small but mighty manufacturers, who are all key to our supply chain, are making sure they have the talent they need."


Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) are nonprofit, fee-for-service, public education agencies.Their mission is to provide quality, cost-effective education resources, programs, and services to the state’s public schools. The RESC Alliance exists to create greater access to resources and savings for all Connecticut public schools. 

© 2024 RESC Alliance

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