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RESC MTR Alliance Announces 2021 School/District Grant Program

The RESC MTR Alliance is excited to once again announce support for districts and schools in their efforts to recruit and retain a racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse professional educator workforce. We invite you to apply for funding to develop or support the implementation of efforts that include, but are not limited to: teacher recruitment, supporting pathways to teaching, and/or efforts focused on the retention of educators of color.

More information about this funding opportunity can be found in the application linked here. Please be sure to reference the scoring rubric that will be used to evaluate all applications as you draft your proposal.

All applications must be submitted by January 7, 2022. Awards will be announced upon approval of funding from CSDE by January 31, 2022.


Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) are nonprofit, fee-for-service, public education agencies.Their mission is to provide quality, cost-effective education resources, programs, and services to the state’s public schools. The RESC Alliance exists to create greater access to resources and savings for all Connecticut public schools. 

© 2024 RESC Alliance

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