The state’s Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) have centralized a vast network of online resources available to all Connecticut educators.
The resource repository is accessible at The resources are intended to help superintendents and districts find solutions to the instructional disruptions created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the indefinite school closures affecting the entire state. Once schools reopen, the repository will remain online and continue to offer a shared community of resources for Connecticut educators.
The Connecticut State Department of Education collaborated with the RESC Alliance to create the resources repository. The Alliance is composed of the six RESCs – ACES, C.E.S., CREC, EASTCONN, EdAdvance, and LEARN – that collectively serve all the public school districts in the state. A representative from each agency organized their respective content and uploaded it to a Google Drive.
These resources are available for all to view and download. The information is divided into 11 different categories, such as Engagement and Enrichment activities, Connectivity (providers offering free services and online strategies for families), and Equity and Special Education. The folders and resources are being continually updated and expanded with numerous additional Special Education and Instructional Continuity resources being made available in the next week. For more specific information, please feel to contact your local regional center representative.
ACES – Emily Freel, C.E.S. – Esther Bobowick, CREC – Sue Renehan, EASTCONN – Dr. Diane Dugas, EdAdvance – Carly Quiros, LEARN – Dr. Sue Iwanicki,