On Wednesday, May 8, education leaders from across the state gathered in Madison to consider the topic of grading reform and how schools need to evolve to meet the needs of Generation Z learners.
Scores of educators, including superintendents, curriculum directors, principals, and teachers attended the RESC Alliance Thinkshop held at the Madison Beach Hotel. All six Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) took part as speakers, facilitators, and participants, joined by public school educators from all areas of Connecticut.
The attendees were challenged to consider the process of grading and how much education and technology have changed since they were in school. Matthew Peel, the principal of Bacon Academy in Colchester, gave the keynote address. He compared traditional, curriculum and listening-centered learning of the past to the way Generation Z students of today process and retain knowledge. He asked his colleagues to consider how their teaching and assessment can support those learners, such as determining grades by projects rather than written tests.
The Thinkshop featured several breakout sessions where attendees delved deeper into topics such as grading reform and gaining support from educational stakeholders.